Tuesday, May 7, 2013

G'Day, Australia.

Well today's Tuesday, and as some well know, it's the cheapest day of the week to book a ticket. So I took advantage of this beautiful Tuesday here in Jacksonville, Florida and decided to check out some prices. Sure enough, there was a good deal and we will be bound for Australia on April 7, 2014. I hope all our Aussie friends are ready, because we will be there with bells on! So, that's all our major flights done and booked. Now we need to check out how we will get from Australia to somewhere in South America.... But that can wait a little while.
Now I will begin really looking around my house and see what I don't particularly "need" anymore and start listing that stuff on eBay. I also plan on having a huge "moving" sale sometime this summer. When you know you will be out on the road for an extended period of time, you begin to realize all that stuff that has accumulated over the years is really ridiculous and extremely unnecessary... Hopefully SOMEONE out there will buy my crap! And the clothes I've accumulated..wow. I know I can only stuff so many articles of clothing in my bag, so some of those old clothes I haven't worn in years have gotta go.. I'm going to eBay my little heart out! 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Passport has arrived!

Well, as said in the previous post yesterday, I had a feeling it would be coming! Almost a month to the day from sending it, my UK passport has arrived. I feel like James Bond or something. I can pick and choose which citizenship I want to take whenever and wherever I want. I have a pretty odd British accent though...... I also got this sweet keyboard for my iPad because I am awful at tying on the screen... Mywordsusuallylooklikethis because I seem to neglect the space bar somehow. Thank you Groupon Goods! For Dinner tonight we will be having Heinz baked beans in honor of my new citizenship (half, officially). And it's pouring rain. How fitting!!!!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Happy May Day! Booked another flight segment!

In honor of May Day, I have another flight purchased for Paul and me! I'm not really sure what the significance of May Day is, but I figured we are month closer to our departure so I should get serious about looking at flights and booking up.So here's what we have coming up.. We head to India after a few other stops on January 8th. My wonderful Uncle Ian and Aunt Celia from England will be in Goa the same time we are there! We will be in India from the January 8th to February 4th. From there we will fly to Thailand and stay for two weeks (+\-), head on over to Vietnam for a little over a month, and then our next stop is Taipei, Taiwan. 

Eventually we will end up in Australia, around April. Haven't gotten that far yet... And if we are lucky, we will be able to use Buddy Passes for our Aus - South America leg. What a wonderful offer from our dear family friend and longtime Delta flight attendant, Martina. OMG if we could manage to get a pass on that flight, it would be awesome. Who cares if I'm in an airport for 48 hours, as long as we get to where we want to go.

September will be here before we know it! Good thing I have a summer job lined up and we are really serious about saving. Also got an e-mail today informing me that my UK passport I have applied for will be making its way to my home via DHL. Now, I'm not sure if it just the passport documents I had to submit or the passport itself. That will be another celebratory post for another time. :)