Monday, February 24, 2014

The #1 attraction on TripAdvisor

As noted in the previous post, we made our merry way back to Bangkok to meet up with our Meagan and Andrew, our Canadian friends from Pai, aand our good old Ashram pal, Raul for one last hurrah before we left for Vietnam. Meagan and Andrew had told us about some pretty fun and unique things that were on TripAdvisor that we had no idea about, one being this place called Escape Hunt.

Located in the basement of a huge office building, is a multi-room entertainment place based upon solving mysteries. Escape Hunt has different scenarios for solving the mystery, such as a European themed room or an Asian themed room. They even have a mystery called "Bangkok Bomb" that takes place within the nearby gargantuan shopping mall, Terminal 21.. That mall has 6 different floors, each floor themed around a different international city. We took a walk around it, and it was insane. I couldn't imagine trying to gather clues and crack the code and deactivate the "bomb" in that place!

We met at Escape Hunt and walked into what looked like Sherlock Holmes' study. We were greeted by  the very nice Thai hosts that run the show, and they explained the rules... We were locked in a room, the "crime scene", and had to use the items in the room to figure out the killer. Some of the items were clues, and others were not.. We had to work together to find out what the killer's name was, in 1 hour or less. We had a gamemaster, who would come in a check on us, and if we needed help we could ask her for a hint...But for every time we asked a hint, it would tack on a minute to our final time. We dug through desks, found keys, unlocked drawers and safes, used flashlights to see invisible ink, cracked codes, and in 54 minutes, we had the killer's name! Mystery solved! It was so much fun!
Andrew was the "Cheif Detective", so he got to bang the gong at the end. Woohoo!
Escape Hunt was definitely unlike anything I'd ever done before, and I am glad we got to do it with some cool people on our last night in Bangkok. Afterwards, we headed to grab some food at a hole in the wall place where the food was delish but some things were lost in translation... I ordered a curry dish and ended up getting a tripe salad (yes, they have that here.) What is funny is you order by number and the waitress seemed to not be able to tell the different between a 6 and a 4... Luckily after some going back and forth, it was all cleared up and I got my curry. That tripe salad did not look appetizing at all!

We then all headed off to this cool rooftop place that had live music and we watched the nightlife from above..Bangkok has lots of really nice places where you can sit and relax with friends, I really enjoyed that about the city. We were there until after the trains stopped running, so we shared a cab with our buddy Raul and made the sleepy ride back to our hotel to call it a night.

Thailand is an amazing place..So far I think I can say Asia is unlike anywhere else. We have read a recent article from the US news about a proposal to invest in trade with Asia that is not being backed.. Not that I have any say in the matter, but, you'd be an idiot NOT to invest in Asia. They have so much going here, especially Thailand. I imagine places like Malaysia, Japan, and Taiwan are similar to Thailand.. They loooove the western market and I think it is THE place to invest. It is so cool over here, it's hard to explain.. It seems so forward and alive. And, in Thailand at least, everyone is smiling (even the protestors). SEAsia so far has given us a buzz...and Thailand was a great way to begin our tour. I am sad to say goodbye, for now, to the land of smiles. I have a feeling we willl be back here again, though. We didn't even make it south, yet! We have 6 weeks ahead of us in the region, so we may make our way back through! I am trying to keep our plans open and evolving.

Next: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam! I think Saigon sounds prettier, though. 

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