Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Snaking Line

I've been back in Georgia for almost two weeks now spending time with family and taking some time to relax and get stuff done before we set off. In my mind I'd like to think of this process of planning, buying tickets/miscellaneous trip related items, and getting prepared to be on the road for 9 months as the snaking line you have to stand in before getting on a roller-coaster. Thinking of snaking around and around while the anticipation, fear, and excitement build before getting on the ride and screaming your face off is a pretty good simile for what I am feeling right now... We have been waiting and saving and planning for what feels like forever, and now we are next in line to get on the ride. I am excited to get on and experience what this trip has to offer, but nervous to leave everything that is comfortable and familiar to me behind.. My goal this trip is to not be tied down by what is "normal" in our culture and to live in each moment, accepting what it has to give, and learn from it. I laugh when people say "well you guys are going on a long vacation, aren't you?".... I'd like to think of it as an educational experience. I want to come back with more knowledge of the world around me and become a better person from it.  Oh and to do yoga everyday. I want to be a yoga badass by the time we return in 9 months :)

The past 3 days I have packed and unpacked my pack more times than I can count, minimizing the amount of clothes each time I pack it up again. This has been the hardest part... Thinking of what I need and what can stay. I've tried to narrow it down to 4 pairs of shoes, 5 bottoms, 7 tops, 3 jackets, 7 pairs of underwear, 3 pairs of socks, and a bathing suit. I like to have options, so this has been tough. I am trying to remind myself that I can buy stuff as we go along, but I'm so used to not buying stuff just for the purpose of shopping that it's going to be hard for me. I think I've conditioned myself out of compulsive shopping.... That's a good thing!

My next post will be from close to the Arctic Circle, in Iceland. I cannot wait to see the glaciers, black sand beach, volcanic rock, and beautiful scenery. By that time I will have reached the end of the snaking line and will be on my way to one amazing ride. I'll be screaming my face off inside, with feelings of excitement and anxiousness for what's around the bend. I hope you will join me as we see amazing things, eat amazing food, and meet amazing people. Prepare to be amazed! I know I am almost prepared... :)

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