Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Late nights

The Local Natives concert was great, they sound just the same as they do on my iPod and they put on a killer show. The concert was in Brixton, a part of London that is having a pretty big rejuvenation. Paul and I were warned about this part of London because it's supposed to be scary, i.e. One of Paul's friends was stabbed at a KFC because he stuck out as a visitor. It was a cool place though with cool bars and restaurants. We got out of there before the tubes shut at midnight, though. We didn't end up getting back to Stephens apartment until 3 am.... It was interesting being on the late bus through London on a Thursday.. It was so busy!

The next morning I dragged myself to a yoga studio about a mile from Stephens house. It was a 90 minute class and totally reinvigorated my body and was much needed. A much better class than the gym yoga class I took at the gym we got a free month to ( it pays to know people :) ) in Portsmouth. Needless to say we have kept very fit between using the free gym and walking wayyyy over 10,000 steps daily. This pedometer watch I bought was a great investment.

My good feeling was shattered the next night we had yet another late night out after traveling back to Portsmouth  to go out to dinner with Paul's friends and their wives/girlfriends. I learned that doing 2 3am nights in a row is now longer a feat I can do and feel like a human being for days to come. I am still recovering from the combo of Thursday/Friday. I guess I am now "old" and a detox is currently underway. Hooray for fresh veggies, ginger/lemon tea, yoga, sauna at the free gym, and lukewarm lemon water. You can take the health nut away from home but you can't make her stop being a health nut... Being a yogi has given me a feeling of knowing when my body feels right, and between Thursday and Sunday, I definitely felt out of whack. Despite of all this, I still had a blast and have no regrets. Just thankful I know how to get back to equilibrium! Or at least on my way there..... :) 

We are going hiking tomorrow! Hopefully the rain holds out.. Last few days in Paul's hometown before we head up to Chester to see my auntie and uncle, and then cousins in Scotland... Looking forward for the future. :)

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