Thursday, October 31, 2013

NFL fun

Ive slacked with my posts but there is good reason...We have been busy with cool things like NFL games.. We've also been saying goodbyes to Paul's friends and family, and traveled up north to Chester to see my aunt and uncle, and now we are in Scotland at my cousin Rachel's house. I did have time to write on the buses and in the car, but I'm also trying to finish this 500 page book I've been carting around and promised I would finish it before we leave the uk. So there you have it. And also, traveling is tiring so I have found myself dozing off during these bus and car journeys. My bad!

The Jags game was interesting. I knew that we would probably be disappointed with the score based upon their record this year, but it was still fun. It was a totally different experience to what I'm used to. There was a "tailgate area" where you could buy food and drinks, they had the cheerleaders parading around on a little stage, as well as a band and other entertainment going on. There was no cornhole or anything like that, and all the entertainment and food stalls shut down an hour before the game. There were people wearing all different teams' jerseys, not just the Jags and 49ers. It was more like a celebration of American Football than a regular game. I was surprised at how many Brits were really into the NFL. I guess it's like the people who follow the Premier league in the US, but that's mostly glory chasers who like teams like Man U or Arsenal. However, I did see Bills, Lions, Falcons, Patriots, Seahawks, etc jerseys walking around so it seemed like there were lots of people who followed a specific team.

And the there was Ne-Yo. We were walking in just before kickoff and I hear a montage of songs I've heard but since I'm not into mainstream radio and it's mostly stuff I hear at the gym or something I knew the songs but I didn't realize the singer was on stage performing. We were walking up to our section and I looked into an entrance for another section and saw this guy singing on stage. It wasn't until we got to our seats that the announcer said it was Ne-Yo.. That was something different to back home..  Unless it's the Super Bowl or a bowl game or something you don't usually have a recording artist perform at a game. Then he came out and sang the national anthem! It was nuts. They really played up the entertainment during pauses in the game too... It was a lot of fun even though the Jags are terrible and we were embarrassed. We got some banter from the Brit fans when we left in the 4th quarter but laughed it off.. The game was all around a good time and we are so thankful to Stephen for getting us tickets so we could experience a game across the pond... Definitely a different feelifng in Wembley Stadium! 

Next I'll write about a British Halloween..... I'll make myself useful during the 7 hour car ride back to Chester tomorrow :)


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